Law of Mastermind
Must gather new ideas. Everyone needs a change of mental environment at regular periods. Mind becomes more alert, more elastic, more ready to work when bathed with new ideas outside one’s field of labor. Power is organized energy (or organized effort), and success is based on Power. Harmony was a key word throughout. Father bound 7 sticks together. Sons could not break them. When unbound, each stick was easily broken
A Definite Chief Aim
The large majority of people classified as failures have no chief aim in life and work in jobs they don’t like. Conversely, successful people (5% of his study) have a strong purpose and do work they love. VITAL FACT: the 5% that were successful all formed a habit of systematically saving money. Chief aim must be definite, clearly decided, not vague or doubtful. Well established principle of psychology that a person acts are always in harmony with the dominating thoughts of his or her minds
“If you aim in life is vague, so will be your achievements”
Napoleon Hill
Any definite chief aim that is deliberately fixed in the mind and held there, with determination to realize it, finally saturates the entire subconscious mind until it automatically influences the physical action of the body toward the attainment of that purpose. Your definite chief aim should be selected with deliberate care, then written out and placed where you can see it daily. It becomes a blueprint. When reviewed regularly it becomes auto-suggestion, which is a form of brainwashing. Men that are successful always seek the company of other successful men. You will attract to you people that harmonize with your own philosophy
Success depends on power. Power is organized effort. 1st step of organized effort is a definite purpose. Purpose is essential. Know what you want, when you want it, why you want it, and how you’re going to get it. MUST PURSUE WITH INTESITY. Must pursue with continuous, unyielding, persistent effort. The doers are the believers in all walks of life. They know they will succeed.